Zhaoyuan Goldsea Mansion

Address:山东省烟台市招远市罗峰路158号 Check the Map

Located at 158 Luofeng Road, Zhaoyuan city, which is named as Gold Capital in China, the mansion has a floor area of 15 thousand m2 with an investment of 55 million RMB. As a four-star hotel integrated with catering, guestrooms, meetings, it enjoys superior position of the downtown commercial and trade circle with city square to north, Gold Capital Department Store to the west, and Zhenghua Commercial Mansion to the east.

The mansion is equipped with more than 80 rooms such as suite room, commercial rooms, standard rooms which can satisfy different demands such as commerce, leisure and tourism. Engaged in traditional Shandong Cuisine and high-rate sea foods such as abalone, the dining hall has over 20 independent rooms with elegant decoration. The multi-functional hall with advanced facilities and luxury decoration can hold more than 600 people for banquet.

The mansion advocates services of people first and special minutes. We are here to wait for you to offer you our first rate service.

Multifunctional banquet hall Deluxe suite Elegant decoration Central business circle hub
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